Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Really 2k? NBA 2k17 RANT OF THE YEAR

It's been awhile blog, but I'm back and yeah it's a RANT!

 Quick update before we get to 2k, I no longer make gaming videos. I has over a million views and gained thousands and thousands of subscribers within a few months. And I didn't have to expose or post glitches to get there. So thanks to everyone that supported me. That grind was real AF! But honestly my heart isn't in creating gaming content like that anymore. I rather move on to something new than just put out half assed content for money.
It was fun for a minute, but I wasn't feeling the spot lot at all, I blame the antisocialness in me that tends to come out here and there, but moving.

Now moving on to  NBA 2k
Can't believe I sent this whole thing in a twit longer post ðŸ˜‚😂😂
REPOST + more. I'm long winded, and I write a lot, so if you don't like to read, MAKE AN EXCEPTION!
I can't be silenced you all should know that by now, if you've been a long time supporter of mine. I'm probably one of the most consistent persistent ( yeah I just said that) people you'll ever come across , especially if I'm passionate about something. Now if I wasn't such a fan of basketball games, I wouldn't care so much. But since I play basketball games more than anything, this is IMPORTANT TO ME.

I tweet to
@NBA2K @Beluba @CHoops4Life @JersDaCurse @Ronnie2K @LD2K all of the time, those are 2K devs and spokespeople by the way. I think most or all of them have me on mute ðŸ˜‚ but I still tweet to them at least once a day. I said I was persistent!
During NBA 2k16 I started the hashtag #2kweneedchange and #Make2kfunagain trying to get some changes. My NBA 2k17 wishlist videos had hundreds of thousands of views. A lot of people even stole my ideas, but it's ALL GOOD.
I really thought I was changing some things when  I saw a few of the things I specifically asked for make it into NBA 2k17. I was HYPED FOR THE GAME especially with all of the extra hype people was making the game out to be. *COUGH COUGH, community day people.. mfs... COUGH*

I preordered the legend gold edition, digital (one of the worst purchases of my gaming life). I was hyped for the prelude. Then I played the game and I realized a lot hadn't changed ex. collision TOs, op help defense etc. But I was like eh, this is just a demo, they're going to fix all of this before the game comes out.  Then the game came out and it was the same fu$%#$%#@ Sh$%#%^%!!!!! But that's not even the worst of it. My shot meter started to glitch a couple days after. That's when it got real and I was pissed TF off!
Now here comes the repost from twitlonger ( I don't feel like rewriting everything😂 )
My shot meter has been glitching for more than a week & things like new sneakers have been added ðŸ˜’ I have players that I spent over 400k VC on with grand and hof badges that's basically useless at park/proam. Meanwhile 55 overall come ups can hit 3s and make contact layups/dunks ðŸ˜’

And y'all obviously didn't brainstorm enough with all of these patches & tuning. Y'all seriously didn't think giving stretch bigs a 90 three wouldn't be cheese or hof ankle breaker wouldnt have ppl cheesin to break someone every time down the court? ðŸ˜’
You give hof limitless range then tune it because ppl chucking half court shots, come on now, y'all should've seen that coming ðŸ˜’. Tuned deadeye shots and behind the back dribble which made career worse and not as fun.
Everytime y'all try to fix something online you make something worse & especially ruin single player mode. Meanwhile ppl still cashing deadeye at the park more than open shots for the what 3rd-4th year in a row.

Custom jump shots are messed up more than half the time.
Cant even use custom rosters or CAP on Blacktop anymore like that was hurting the game and then took stamina off option away😒 gave a crowd that doesnt even seem to know what's going on, weak and doesn't even get hyped. And where's the DJ? Can't set rules to make it take it, play 21 like at the park, 3s or dunks only or lower shot clock time. Blacktop mode should have no restrictions, single player mode should be completely customizable period.

Speaking of DJs, what happened to my park after dark? Y'all made it seem like park was going to be lit (fun) but we have yet to see that. Park event is house rules from 2k16 and stage on other days 😒 not even going to get started on these retextured old courts.

TO collisions /bump steals in the game for years & still haven't been fixed. Lobs get thrown all over the place half the time even with a open man and maxed ball handling/passing
Op help defense, op AI defense period.😒 You have big men with slow speed attributes but able to keep up and guard fast PGs etc. especially cpu.

Pro am always freezes when my squad walk on. Got next squad spot glitch more than half the time s/n (good looks for adding waiting animations.) But we really need squad walk on & instant match up option for park like pro am.
Not everyone wants to sit around waiting at the park for a game, which can take up to 10-15 mins some times.


This game has more issues than I can count and seems more like it's in beta than actually a full finished game. I paid for a finished game, bs preorder digital trash waste of $$$ legend gold edition at that. And I can't even enjoy it because of the SHOT METER GLITCH that has ruined my experience, broke my players and ruined my record.

All of these issues & the game hasn't been out for a month. And @forbes @operationasports etc. gave 9/10 ...SERIOUSLY WHAT GAME DID YA' LL PLAY? Whoever tested this game need to find a new job 👎My career was fun at launch now its less fun after the patch.
My league is still the best/fun mode imo.

Now there are a ton of other issues in the game, but these are things I felt that needed to be addressed,  And this may fall on deaf ears and 2k, the devs, ronnie etc. will still probably ignore me, it is what it is. I had to get this off of my chest before I completely wash my hands of 2k. Every year we give our money away and every year 2k has new issues and repeat issues they have yet fixed. Come on now, either stop releasing games every single year and take your time, or at least compensate the community for ALL OF THESE ISSUES. Will I be pre ordering next year? If 2k doesn't get it together, HELL NA!

#rant  #idontkissass #sorrynotsorry

 - voice of the community

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

NBA 2k17 the ultimate wishlist

It’s june, but I started writing this wishlist blog back in April, dedicated yes I know!

April 2016 thoughts “So, NBA 2k changed their twitter to 2k17, so we all know what that means. It’s pretty much a wrap for 2k16. They never give us a full year of anything. Which is why I think they should spend 15-18 months making these games. It’s more logical and it gives them time to give us the best game possible and work out any little kinks along the way after launch. BUT, we all know that will never happen. So we might as well start spamming 2k with our wants! Now I’ve made a few videos on the subject, but I didn’t want them make them too long. So this blog entry will go much more in depth. But before we get started, feel free to check out my videos if you haven’t already.  Youtube.com/TruKING187 I even made a playlist, quick and easy for you to view.”
Things that should be added in NBA 2k17
I’ve gotten tons of request, over 350k views and hundreds of comments about my NBA2k17wishlist videos, so I know EXACTLY WHAT THE NBA 2k community WANTS.

Summer circuit ( WE NEED THIS)
Now MOST thought NBA 2k16 Pro am would actually be like the real thing. We play against the pros in a streetball setting. Obviously we were all wrong. Pro Am is basically a crew battle or Rec without rep. We need a real Pro Am. 2k17 HAS to have a summer circuit like EA did for NBA live 16 (the best mode on that game by the way). We should be able to battle with the CPU in a streetball setting, either with other players or by ourselves (like NBA live 16). We can team up with people on our friends list, randoms or of course my favorite, play alone. In Summer circuit mode we should be able to unlock new courts, unlock special sneakers, clothes and accessories that are not available, and of course win VC.

New shooting system
Dear 2k, its time for CHANGE. It’s time for 2k to get a BRAND NEW SHOOTING SYSTEM. We need to know the percentage of the shot that we took, was it a 75% shot, 44% etc. , was the release too slow, too fast etc. It should say, shot off the dribble, contested, perfect etc. This should be in EVERY MODE (especially mypark etc.)
We need a NEW shooting bar, for example NBA live 16 shooting bar is nice, just bad execution (the percentages are way off and the shooting is kind of broke).
 Forget the trying to get it on the line, most of the time you miss shots on the line, if it’s not GREEN. And the GREEN releases. I can’t count how MANY GREEN RELEASES I HAVE MISSED.  Whose idea was it to make us miss green releases? TERRIBLE IDEA. I can understand nerfing the amount of green releases a person gets (WIDE OPEN) We should never get a contested green release (Like in NBA 2k15) but to have us miss a green, that’s a little too extreme. The shooting in 2k16 is JUST TRASH PERIOD, it’s too inconsistent. I’ll have games where I’m shooting 100% then the next game I’m broke, missing wide open shots! I go on 10+ win streaks all of the time, I’d say I shoot 100% maybe 3/10 games. I’m not saying we should make EVERY single shot. But to have us missing multiple wide open shots and then letting people hit contested makes absolutely no sense. It’s like 2k rewards poor defense.

Created players/Myplayer creation
Hair dyed tips or the option to change any part of the hair a different color like in WWE 2k16.
Adjustable hair length (I mentioned this before), designs for fades, waves, hitops, dreads with fade option etc. like 2k14 on PS4. Scars and slits in eyebrow option, piercings for mypark/blacktop mode.
Better facial customization options: 2k has gotten better with their create a player engine, but it’s still not in depth enough for those of us that don’t mind spending time tweaking created players. We should be able to adjust the eyes to however big or small, wide or slanted. We should be able to move the eyebrow bone higher or lower, more of an arch, or sad or happy look. The cheek bones and jaw bone structure should have more tweaking features. 
We should continue to be able to use facescan from our PS4 etc. cameras, but we should also be able to upload face images from the PC. With this feature we can literally make any kind of customizable player. It may also be easier for the people that are not that good at creating custom players from scratch. A lot of people have also talked about a possible app like NBA LIVE 16. I personally feel like EA failed, most android users were not able to use the app( like myself and I tried 4 android devices). Android 5.0.1 and a few others had compatibility issues.  
 I was finally able to use my cousins Iphone 6, that's pretty inconvenient. 

Customizable BODIES. ( I have a video on this as well)
Body types, body types we need CUSTOM BODY TYPES. We can only make our players taller or shorter, change shoulder/arm/body length. If you use the normal, ripped etc. it looks EXACTLY the same. We should be able to play around with the body shape, really skinny, really fat, ripped, bulky, athletic and everything in between. We need a scale, like WWE 2k16. For example if you go to the skinny side too much you will see bones or the athletic side you’ll see more abs and of course if you go too far to the bulky side you’ll get fat rolls. I already know we’ll be seeing some obese guys dunking at the park if giving the option. That would be pretty funny though. 

I made a video about new parks, Blacktop mode, customizable mycourt etc. so there’s not too much more I can say about that, but let’s do a recap for those that have not watched my video yet. Mycourt should be 100% customizable, like my league and Pro AM courts. We should have the option to have inside or outside courts, and the option to turn off the tv. A new addition that should be added is the option to invite teammates or other players in the league for a 1v1, 3v3 etc. similar to Blacktop mode but right there in your mycourt. It would give us the option to play around with moves and test new jumpers against cpu without having to leave mycourt and go back and forth. 

Mini mycourt games
Right now all we can do is play 1v1, 2v2 etc against friends. There should be a horse option, for example if I shoot a deep three, the spot should light up and the next person has to shoot from there. If they miss they get an H, first person that get H.O.R.S.E loses. 
Another game, around the world. For those that never played, you basically start from one corner and work your way around the perimeter to the other side. If you miss a shot, it's the next persons turn and you have to start back at the corner. To keep the game from being too long, whoever makes it the furthest in say 5-10 mins WINS. A new way could also be if you miss one shot, you go back two or you get the option to take a second shot, if you miss that then you have to start all over. 

Blacktop mode (SINGLE PLAYER)
Blacktop mode needs a HUGE facelift. I remember how fun past games used to be. I still spend a lot of time on blacktop (I’m more of a single player gamer than a multiplayer gamer) Blacktop mode is not nearly as fun as it used to be. We need the crowd and DJ back. It really hypes you up when the DJ yells something out about what you just did or the crowed goes wild over an ankle breaker, dunk etc. Blacktop mode should have special dunks and special ankle breakers, moves like off the heezy (hitting the ball off of someone's head) Crazy alley oop dunks etc.
There should be a make it take option for 1v1 and 2v2. There should be a preferred position for 2v2 and 3v3, for some reason that option is only given for 4v4 and 5v5. Playing one position is great practice for going online to play mypark and other PVP(player verse player) modes, and it’s just fun.

We should be able to use custom created players without adding them to a custom rosters. There should be NBA league tab, Throwback teams, Myplayers, Celebrities (if they bring this feature back) and regular created player tab for Blacktop mode.
TEAM JERSEYS, no matter what players are on your team! For example team one in white and team two in black with team colored sneakers and accessories. Street clothes option, all players are in street clothes like NBA like 16. Shirts vs skins (shirtless) option. 
Custom rosters, we should be able to load custom rosters into blacktop (without having to start Myleague or whatever else mode to get into Blacktop).
Customizable game settings, for example, no fouls, no backcourt, no out of bounds, play to 11 or 15 instead of 21, only 3’s count, all buckets are worth 2 or 3 or 1 point, or only dunks count, make it take it etc. We should be able to choose a day setting or night setting.

We need a better rep system. We should NOT have to guess how many games it will take us to reach a new milestone. We need rep points, not just a bar. We need to know how many more rep points we have until we reach the next level. We need better prizes. We should not have to wait until we get to Legend 1 to go shirtless. We should be able to have the shirtless option at any rep. People really want this option, they want it so bad that they have found GLITCHES to make this happen. After working so hard to get L1, shirtless option and a few new animations is just not enough. the VC is nice, but we should get something else. L2 we should get a hoverboard. Who the hell wants to grind to L4 for a skateboard? Few, i'll tell you that. I have only seen a few L4's on the PS4.  L3 should remain where its at mascot ( I personally don't care about being L3) L5 was just way too much 8-10k games, that's excessive. Then for the few that have gotten there they had to buy the tiger, L4 had to by the 50k skateboard, bascially the money you get for hitting the milestone you spend it on the "prize" that's crazy. If you make it to the milestone you should get a FREE prize. 

GOT NEXT, now this is something that I despise. I can’t count how many times I waited on got next for a game to end just to have a squad come up and take it as soon as the game is ending, because there was only one other guy on the got next with me. Or all of the courts are filled or courts are empty. Some people just stand around. We should have multiple options. If people want to stand around at the park cool, but at least give others the options for instant matchups like Pro Am, play now etc. NBA live 16 has this feature, you literally only sit there waiting for about 30 seconds, only two real players have to be there for the game to start, if no other players join then you have CPU players on your team. There should also be an option for squad travel to instant matchups. We should NEVER have to stand around the park waiting 10+ minutes to get into a game.  We need better animation options. The directional buttons are the easiest way to do a celebration. We should be able to celebrate on offense and good defensive plays. For example if I block a shot, I should be able to do a celebration if it goes out of bounds. One last thing, for PS4, the steal button should be changed from square to X. I can’t tell you how many times I have stolen the ball or teammates and didn’t realize it, clicked square and shoot from FULL COURT. It’s the same with the analog stick, for some reason even if you have your settings changed, every now and then the right analog stick will make you shoot. I can’t count how many accidental full court shots I have taken because of that. Change the analog pump fake/shoot, I have my shooting settings on buttons for a reason!

Teammate grade 
This should not happen in 2k17
TM grade is so broke! That and who to guard needs a serious revamp. Half of the time we're getting defensive breakdown on players we ARE NOT even supposed to guard. 2k will drag you all over the court, even when you have defense on ZERO. If you take who to guard off, you'll get defense breakdown even more, because 2k is constantly SWITCHING THE DEFENDER. We should never get defense breakdown or allowed rebound on players we are not assigned to at the beginning of the game. Allowed rebound really pisses me off. You can block a shot or your TM blocks a shot and the player you're guarding grabs it, allowed rebound. The ball hits the rim, bounce off someones back, goes down court, the guy you're guarding is lucky to grab it, ALLOWED REBOUND. WTF! That has to GO. Someone pokes the ball lose, (spamming the steal button) or the ball hits someone, not only is it 9/10 a collision turnover. You get a minus for lose ball. How the hell did we know the ball was going to get knocked loose? It's the same with getting a minus for a block shot, like we KNEW the ball was going to get blocked. Really 2k?

Badge tracker is a MUST! I don't understand why we don't have this feature.
We need mycareer celebrations. There are a couple in the game but we have no control over them or when they happen. We should be able to pick what celebrations we do. We need the option to have shorter seasons. We should at least be able to play a 44 game season. 82 games is just TOO LONG for some people, and by some people, I mean people like me. 
FIVE practices for ONE attribute is too many. That would only be fair if we could skip games WITHOUT skipping over off days. Even then it’s still TOO MANY.  3 practices, we should be able to upgrade a new stat. I hate that it’s even like this in the first place. But I’m sure this was added to keep people from getting to 99 quickly. Which really did nothing but make people (not me fk no!) spend hours and hours on the game fouling out until they got to 99. 
My highest guy was (R.I.P 2k deleted him, my fav player!) a 96 overall, I was done, that was enough for me. 99 overall means nothing in the game, especially with the terrible attribute caps. It’s basically a WASTE OF TIME. I guard 99 overall all, I keep so many of them at ZERO. 

We should be able to have the option to have only 3 games in the playoffs. I would personally choose 1, 1 and done! But that’s just me.  Seven games is way too many for some of us. In 2k16 I dreaded heading to playoffs, having to play all of those games. Over 20+ practices we were not able to use! A few times I threw the playoffs on purpose, not wanting to be bothered. I hate 2k16 mycareer, and I've always been a MC fan. I just can't deal with the trash shooting and terrible collision turnovers. 

We should NOT have to have caps on our players for mycareer.  Its called MYCAREER we should be able to build an unstoppable superstar, a true GOAT.  It’s time for mycareer player to split from mypark player.
2k should build a cap engine for mypark or something if it’s that serious, but MYcareer, should 100% ours and 100% customizable, even the sliders if we want to make it easier or harder. The key word is MY. If we want our center to be able to be a great outside shooter then we should be able to in mycareer. I personally think that it’s crazy that players like Durant and Carmelo have better ball handling than my point guards (BECAUSE OF THE CAPS) Just because you’re taller or shorter does not make you a better or worse shooter, ball handler etc. The Caps this year are terrible.
I can understand they did it so that bigger players like SF etc. wouldn’t be so overpowered, but they really just ruined it. Now the most over powered offensive position is little 5’10, 5’7 PG’s, although it does seem like centers shoot better than most. Sometimes there are centers splashing from deep while you have guards missing mids, it’s CRAZY. The centers can dribble just as good as the guards, the only difference is they loose the ball easier and get stripped the most. But...I’m not about to rant about the broken 2k16 park. 
NBA 2k17. We shouldn’t have caps in mycareer. The shooting should be a lot better. It should be FUN. If we want to shoot from deep, that curry range we should be able to. Wide open with the maxed stats we should be able to hit those shots. I mean what's the point of having limitless range badge GOLD? Speaking of badges, CPU SHOULD NOT be able to drop our badges down to silver or bronze. What's the point of having badges when they can become void? 
We need better cut scenes and more voice choices with option to make the voice deeper or higher pitched.
We need commentary settings that save. For some reason in mycareer the commentary doesn’t save on all of my players. I have to tune the setting EVERY game, that’s annoying. Connections, this was a cool addition, but annoying when you have to choose between that, practice and endorsements. Endorsements should go back to the way they were in 2k15, as you rise in the NBA you get deals, the end. We shouldn’t have to waste off days on them. That way we can spend our off days at the gym or doing connections. It would be nice to have cut scenes for the connections.

Overall NBA 2k17 should be brand new from top to bottom. We should not get a recycled 2k16 game with updated rosters.  We have had 6 patches in NBA 2k16 and yet there are still glitches and exploits in the game, the collision turnovers have yet to be fixed. They added a weird dribble trip animation. We still get stopped dead in our tracks on ankle breakers and crossovers by some invisible wall. Simple passes (not even full court) gets thrown out bounds for no reason, it’s terrible…and we’re stuck with it, because 2k has moved on. 
Hopefully they’re busy making NBA 2k17 the best basketball game ever created, and hopefully, they WILL listen to the community.
2k, we need change.

Monday, February 29, 2016

NBA 2k16 issues RANT + Get VC fast and EASY

WARNING uncensored language , read at your own risk.
This might be a light rant, but first things first, check out my newest video. I made a tips and tricks video to help all of my subs and viewers get easy and fast VC. Who doesn’t like easy? 

Using my method you will rack up VC so fast and easy you can go buy whatever you want. This is NOT a glitch, so no worries, this is totally legit. And the best part about it is, it’s FAST.  6 min quarters. They really need to give us 1-2 min quarters we shouldn't have to be forced to spend more time in these games if we don't want to. I mean personally I think it’s pretty irritating that we have to do shit like this just to unlock upgrades and get VC without wasting so much time or money which I have done both (around 100 bucks), for nothing. And by nothing I mean, you will max your player, get these badges, and then still flop at the park, Pro AM etc. I've had games where I've played like a GOD, then I've had games where you'd swear up and down I was a NOOB scrub. 
You will miss wide open shots, you will miss GREEN releases, you will be playing great defense and still have someone make a lucky shot right in your face. Talk about the disrespect. I've done that so many times. #deadeye But it’s all fun and games until it happens to you  lol.  And it's especially irritating when you have “Lock down defender” badge. 
But hey 99 overall gives you a better chance of that happening less frequently right? At least that’s what people hope. So 99 grind it is for so many in the 2k community. And man, damn they are dedicated. My highest player is a 95. I guess I’m not that dedicated. It’s boring as hell, I can only devote so many hours to it before I’m ready to do something else.
Oh and 99 overall does not make you a better player. I have destroyed so many 99 players it's not even funny. But like I said, we all like to think that it will give us a better chance.
So no worries my small forward demigod aka my 6’7 point god will be 99 overall, eventually.
 I’m really not feeling Mycareer this year. Matter of fact I FUCKING HATE IT. Not only are the turn over collisions (I’ve ranted about this in the past) HORRIBLE. They have gone and FUCKED UP THE SHOOTING. 
Why is the shooting so broke in mycareer 2k? I can understand mypark and Pro Am, although I HATE MISSING WIDE OPEN SHOTS. But mycareer? The one place where we’re supposed to be free to do whatever the hell we want?! How could you fuck up the shooting this poorly? Mycareer is supposed to be fun, but it’s just irritating. I mean just do a quick youtube search and type in NBA 2k16 Mycareer Rage. It gets pretty bad. 
I don’t understand the logic. The game is no where near HARD, even on Hall of fame. It’s just retarded, for lack of a better word. The collisions are terrible, the shooting is terrible, the bugs are terrible. It's just terrible, and yes, we all continue to play this game. But what else is there really? If you're a fan of basketball this is all we really have. 
NBA live 16 has its fun points, I really like the summer circuit and the fact that we can play with CPU. The clothes are on point and the sneakers are decent. They do however need more accessory options, hats etc.. And of course a BRAND NEW PLAYER CREATION mode period, it's sad and way too restricted to be on next gen. I will make a video/post on that game soon. But honestly, NBA live has a LONG WAY TO GO, especially with those terrible camera angles and sound effects.

I really hope 2k steps it up with 2k17 because this is unacceptable. Here we are on PATCH 5, yes PATCH 5 and the game is more broke than it was before the first patch came out! How is that possible? Who is testing this game? How do I apply? Because I promise you 2k community, I would be up their ass until the game is fun and decent. Good bye park cards, good bye boost, goodbye speed boosting in mypark/Pro Am ( only able to do it in mycareer and other single player game modes) and GOOD BYE missed green releases. If you’re open and the defense is lacking, MAKE THEM PAY. The end. That’s how it should be, but no, I don’t know who gave the green light, no pun intended. But this shit seems like a BETA game! 2k really? Where is the real game, this is really it? This is what we have until 2k17 is released? Wow...................


Sunday, February 21, 2016

NBA 2k16 How to get Unfazed and Microwave badge fast and easy

Earn multiple badges fast and easy with my tips and tricks. Not only can you earn Unfazed and Microwave using these methods you can also get, Dimer, Flashy passer, pickpocket and more in just a few games. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks. Make sure to like, share and subscribe if you're new to the channel. Peace

Thursday, January 28, 2016


I have neglected this blog. My bad. Most people don't like to READ anyway. Me personally, I can write and read all day, with a nice spliff on the side LOL. I made this blog so I can really Rant and get my thoughts out there, maybe someone might find it entertaining/helpful as much as I do? :D
But for those that really don't like to read. I will have the video attached at the bottom. If you have not subbed to my youtube channel what you are dooooing booooye?  Go head and subscribe...really like right now, go push that red button on my youtube channel. I appreciate it!

Today my rant is about the HALL OF FAME CHEESE that we all love (insert hate here). You know it's bad when a game makes you want to smash your TV. I rather not smash my 50 inch plasma 2k, so why don't you FIX YOUR BROKE ASS GAME. And I say that will love, as I am a huge fan of basketball games. I've been gaming since I was like 3, no lie, bro, I started on the Nintendo shooting ducks, and worked my way to Sega (Sonic was my guy), from there I went to the PS1, PS2/PSP, PS3 and now the PS4. As you can see I am fan of PlayStation. I have played on the Xbox, but PS is where it's at for me.
I only Rant and rave because I want these games to get better. I have issues with NBA Live 16 as well, but that will be for another post.

NBA 2k16 has so many issues, cough cough, the broken jumpers and missed wide open shots.  But let's start off with the COLLISION Turn overs. I started noticing how bad they were in 2k15 on the PS4, but they have gotten even worse! It's like every patch that is released it's worst than the one before. How is that possible? How is that possible 2k? How did this slip by the Devs/testers etc? The most turnovers I have ever had on 2k16 is 10. YES TEN. WHAT IN THE Fu....and they were NOT just from passing (Although I hate those too, it's like CPU always knows exactly where the ball is going, CHEAT SHIT BRO).
I'm talking about COLLISIONS, CPU runs into you, gets stuck in your body, Ball goes through their body, comes out, then decides to drop. Ball hits their foot, no KICKBALL CALLED, ball hits their leg, arm, head, chest, etc. you're stuck in a STUPID ASS animation, look at the ball RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, then behind you like an idiot. Like where did it go, I'm dumb duh duh duh... Really? Wtf 2k there is nothing behind us!

Collisions are the worst in this game. THE WORST IN ANY BASKETBALL GAME IN THE HISTORY OF BASKETBALL GAMES!! And it's ON EVERY MODE, ON EVERY difficulty. It's bad at the park, it's bad on Pro Am, MyTeam, MyLeague, Blacktop EVERYTHING. People don't even have to go for the steal, just run into someone and it counts as a strip/rip. Haha "lose ball" negative teammate game (which is broke as hell by the way, even when you're fouled you get a negative for lose ball..logic where is the LOGIC IN THAT.) TURN OVER, freebie for whoever got to it.
Speaking of ripping. Lets not get started on the square spamming that goes on, it's hell for a center especially. Centers get ripped the easiest. Going up for a dunk or layup? 9/10 someone is spamming the hell out of the square button or whatever it is on the xbox.
The cpu does the same thing, that and speed boost. Everyone complains about the speed boosters, but the only reason they can do it is because the CPU does it. I never really noticed how much it happens with the CPU until after patch 3. Now it seems like all of the CPU point guards go crazy. Just watch Curry or Westbrook for example, it's crazy, they are fast as hell coming out of a crossover or escape. And I play on 75 speed, lol so you can only imagine.
I don't too much care about it on Mycareer because I can guard it. But at the Park sometimes they luck up and get past. And they are fast bro, and they just spam spam SPAM the speed boost. If you're mismatched as a center or just bigger and slower period, it's over, you can forget it, try to block the shot or something or you're just FUCKED. I can guard it most times with my PG, but man they'll just spam pet size etc. to try to break you. That's why I had to learn all of the moves, just to keep up with the cheese heads.
I don't really cheese unless I'm getting cheesed, and even then it's not the same I don't boost, and I don't spam the pet size etc. I just do a little move get open and shoot. And lol I don't even try but I end up breaking ankles.
  I heard they nerfed the frequency of broken ankles but I haven't seen it confirmed. But back to Mycareer.

THE CPU OFFENSE IS OVER POWERED. It does not matter what player, the worst player on the team, 60 overall 70 overall, it DOES NOT MATTER they become BEAST. I'm talking about hitting everything from mid range, going crazy behind the arc, making contested shots etc. But the best players in the league, the BEST teams, just STRUGGLE if you're on their team. I can understand the defense being a little "tougher" on HOF, although it's easy to still to get open. The offense is HORRIBLE. I thought it was irritating as a point guard because I miss so many WIDE OPEN SHOTS. But it is even MORE irritating playing as my center (GOAT BY THE WAY) as I have to depend on the team to help get the W. How can we win a game if the whole team is struggling except for me, the center? My last game I had over 40 pts and almost got a quad, as a center on HOF..tell me that's not GOAT status?! But we still LOST the game by a BUZZER BEATER CONTESTED BUCKET, to the SUNS. THE SUNS!!! Markieff Morris had 43 points lmaoooo this game is A JOKE. 2k are you serious? This game is BROKE. It's BROKEN,  PERIOD.
As a community we have to expose all of the issues so they can get FIXED.

2k FIX THESE ISSUES PLEASE, make this game better for the millions of people that bought it. The Millions that have bought VC and still buying it to upgrade their players etc. which does absolutely nothing by the way, because 55 overall players still ball out at the park. Don't believe me? Look it up on youtube. No badges, no stats, still doing everything a person like me is able to do, except, I spent time getting badges, and MONEY upgrading players!!!!

It's Patch 5 and you still have not fixed the same issues we've been complaining about since patch 3. Patch 3 really broke the game, and Patch 4 officially killed offense, especially at the park. I get so tired of missing open shots, missing green, missing right on the line etc. But we'll hit contested?! Really 2k? Really?
Dear 2k, please fix your game. I don't want to see these issues in 2k17. I'm already tried of seeing them now!
Rant over....for now.
- Tru