Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Really 2k? NBA 2k17 RANT OF THE YEAR

It's been awhile blog, but I'm back and yeah it's a RANT!

 Quick update before we get to 2k, I no longer make gaming videos. I has over a million views and gained thousands and thousands of subscribers within a few months. And I didn't have to expose or post glitches to get there. So thanks to everyone that supported me. That grind was real AF! But honestly my heart isn't in creating gaming content like that anymore. I rather move on to something new than just put out half assed content for money.
It was fun for a minute, but I wasn't feeling the spot lot at all, I blame the antisocialness in me that tends to come out here and there, but moving.

Now moving on to  NBA 2k
Can't believe I sent this whole thing in a twit longer post πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
REPOST + more. I'm long winded, and I write a lot, so if you don't like to read, MAKE AN EXCEPTION!
I can't be silenced you all should know that by now, if you've been a long time supporter of mine. I'm probably one of the most consistent persistent ( yeah I just said that) people you'll ever come across , especially if I'm passionate about something. Now if I wasn't such a fan of basketball games, I wouldn't care so much. But since I play basketball games more than anything, this is IMPORTANT TO ME.

I tweet to
@NBA2K @Beluba @CHoops4Life @JersDaCurse @Ronnie2K @LD2K all of the time, those are 2K devs and spokespeople by the way. I think most or all of them have me on mute πŸ˜‚ but I still tweet to them at least once a day. I said I was persistent!
During NBA 2k16 I started the hashtag #2kweneedchange and #Make2kfunagain trying to get some changes. My NBA 2k17 wishlist videos had hundreds of thousands of views. A lot of people even stole my ideas, but it's ALL GOOD.
I really thought I was changing some things when  I saw a few of the things I specifically asked for make it into NBA 2k17. I was HYPED FOR THE GAME especially with all of the extra hype people was making the game out to be. *COUGH COUGH, community day people.. mfs... COUGH*

I preordered the legend gold edition, digital (one of the worst purchases of my gaming life). I was hyped for the prelude. Then I played the game and I realized a lot hadn't changed ex. collision TOs, op help defense etc. But I was like eh, this is just a demo, they're going to fix all of this before the game comes out.  Then the game came out and it was the same fu$%#$%#@ Sh$%#%^%!!!!! But that's not even the worst of it. My shot meter started to glitch a couple days after. That's when it got real and I was pissed TF off!
Now here comes the repost from twitlonger ( I don't feel like rewriting everythingπŸ˜‚ )
My shot meter has been glitching for more than a week & things like new sneakers have been added πŸ˜’ I have players that I spent over 400k VC on with grand and hof badges that's basically useless at park/proam. Meanwhile 55 overall come ups can hit 3s and make contact layups/dunks πŸ˜’

And y'all obviously didn't brainstorm enough with all of these patches & tuning. Y'all seriously didn't think giving stretch bigs a 90 three wouldn't be cheese or hof ankle breaker wouldnt have ppl cheesin to break someone every time down the court? πŸ˜’
You give hof limitless range then tune it because ppl chucking half court shots, come on now, y'all should've seen that coming πŸ˜’. Tuned deadeye shots and behind the back dribble which made career worse and not as fun.
Everytime y'all try to fix something online you make something worse & especially ruin single player mode. Meanwhile ppl still cashing deadeye at the park more than open shots for the what 3rd-4th year in a row.

Custom jump shots are messed up more than half the time.
Cant even use custom rosters or CAP on Blacktop anymore like that was hurting the game and then took stamina off option awayπŸ˜’ gave a crowd that doesnt even seem to know what's going on, weak and doesn't even get hyped. And where's the DJ? Can't set rules to make it take it, play 21 like at the park, 3s or dunks only or lower shot clock time. Blacktop mode should have no restrictions, single player mode should be completely customizable period.

Speaking of DJs, what happened to my park after dark? Y'all made it seem like park was going to be lit (fun) but we have yet to see that. Park event is house rules from 2k16 and stage on other days πŸ˜’ not even going to get started on these retextured old courts.

TO collisions /bump steals in the game for years & still haven't been fixed. Lobs get thrown all over the place half the time even with a open man and maxed ball handling/passing
Op help defense, op AI defense period.πŸ˜’ You have big men with slow speed attributes but able to keep up and guard fast PGs etc. especially cpu.

Pro am always freezes when my squad walk on. Got next squad spot glitch more than half the time s/n (good looks for adding waiting animations.) But we really need squad walk on & instant match up option for park like pro am.
Not everyone wants to sit around waiting at the park for a game, which can take up to 10-15 mins some times.


This game has more issues than I can count and seems more like it's in beta than actually a full finished game. I paid for a finished game, bs preorder digital trash waste of $$$ legend gold edition at that. And I can't even enjoy it because of the SHOT METER GLITCH that has ruined my experience, broke my players and ruined my record.

All of these issues & the game hasn't been out for a month. And @forbes @operationasports etc. gave 9/10 ...SERIOUSLY WHAT GAME DID YA' LL PLAY? Whoever tested this game need to find a new job πŸ‘ŽMy career was fun at launch now its less fun after the patch.
My league is still the best/fun mode imo.

Now there are a ton of other issues in the game, but these are things I felt that needed to be addressed,  And this may fall on deaf ears and 2k, the devs, ronnie etc. will still probably ignore me, it is what it is. I had to get this off of my chest before I completely wash my hands of 2k. Every year we give our money away and every year 2k has new issues and repeat issues they have yet fixed. Come on now, either stop releasing games every single year and take your time, or at least compensate the community for ALL OF THESE ISSUES. Will I be pre ordering next year? If 2k doesn't get it together, HELL NA!

#rant  #idontkissass #sorrynotsorry

 - voice of the community