Sunday, June 4, 2017


Yeah I'm late, and YES, it's been a LONG time. I contemplated if I even wanted to do a wishlist this year, last year my youtube videos did pretty well, hundreds of thousands of views
2k viralish sensation I guess you can say. Then 100+ videos later, I got drained and wanted to do some traveling and other things, hence the big absence and why I left the 2k community for the last 8 months, aside from the 2k community being cancer.
Here it is june 2017 and I'm starting to get the itching I want to create basketball content again feeling. It might be the fact that 2k18 and Live 18 are only a few months away! I just made a new youtube channel specifically for basketball, lets go!
On to the goods, the WISH LIST!

The first things I would like to see fixed are the bump steals, collisions and forced animations, that have plagued this game FOR YEARS. Feel free to check out my new twitter FOLLOW this account is more so catered towards basketball. I’m always uploading clips of the crazy things that happens to me during my time on NBA 2k.

Bump TO's in a close game especially, will send anyone into a RAGE! Not only are they the worst, NBA 2k has a terrible grading system that gives more negatives than rewarding you with good performance. Not only will you get a huge drop for these fake steals, if the other team scores you also get allowed score on a TO and another negative for "Lose ball" as if you have control over bump tos or other players spamming you. 😐 PLEASE FINALLY FIX THESE ISSUES IN NBA 2k18.

NEW SHOT METER, I really despise NBA 2k17 shot meter. It all started the first week of launch, YES THE FIRST WEEK, that's when my bar was 100% broke it would snap back to the middle no matter what I did, it literally took 2k WEEKS to fix the bar. Ever since then, it's been issue after issue with the shooting. Especially with Mike Wang tweaking it so many times, Once we get used to it, HEY here's A NEW update 😔.
The bar still snaps back more than half the time when the shot isn't green, it just doesn't snap all the way to the middle. Sometimes the bar doesn't even fill all the way up. It's WAY TOO MANY ISSUES with NBA 2k17 shot meter. Most would choose 15-16 meter over 17 (minus the open red shots) hopefully it's fixed back to the old meter or we get a brand new one. Just never give us this half circle meter again! 🙏

everyone and I mean EVERYONE was bummed about not getting new parks in NBA 2k17, come on 2k, really? I spent $100 on the legend edition and felt cheated with how much the game felt like a copy and paste of NBA 2k16. Hopefully that won't be the case for 18. And we want realistic looking parks like 14 and 15 had. The best thing about park in 2k17 is we could play with any affiliation (great feature).

Sunset example

                                                                     Rivet example

                                                                   Oldtown example

We need to be able to FULLY customize our mycourt from the colors we choose to uploading images, like myleague. This has to be a new feature and would take our myplayer experience to the next level. Option to choose an inside or outside mycourt. Option to exercise in mycourt  on off days (on practice days) like lift weights and run on a treadmill, instead of wasting time loading to go to the practice gym.

Side note (Practice RANT)
If we're forced to go to practice we should be able to run on a treadmill etc. and actually get attributes for doing shooting and dribble drills. The COACH still gets mad if we miss practice, what's the point after we can't earn any more attributes? I don't even have a doing work meter on my player after hitting 95 overall, don't know if it's a glitch or what. 
We should only have to load for the team practices. 
The offensive consistency dribbling drill for example is one of the worst drills in 2k17. Not only does the prompts move too fast, half the time you don’t even get a +1 attribute. And what does dribbling have to do with offensive consistency? We should get that from shooting drills, strength attributes from lifting weights, stamina and hustle from running and jumping drills.

Back to mycourt
We park/career players spend A LOT of time in mycourt, from practicing moves, to tweaking jumpers, to  challenging our friends etc. One of the most annoying features in 2k17 is CPU always invading our space. 99% of the time they don’t ask to come over, it is rare that you get a text and they ask before just walking through your door. It’s cool to have cpu come over and do 1v1s, great feature, but it’s not cool for them to crowd our space. They should ALWAYS ASK FIRST. And a cool feature would be, after we unlock NBA players from gaining notoriety in the league, we should be able to challenge them to a 1v1, and maybe even the announcers talk about it in a future game.

Store / Closet

 2k has stepped it up on the store, just a little! It's a lot easier to things, but there's room (A LOT) for improvement. There is no zoom in feature, no 360 view feature. We can't even see the actual shoe we're purchasing. Most of the time the shoe doesn't look the same as the picture. We need to see exactly WHAT WE'RE BUYING! NBA 2k18 needs an actual myplayer closet with a 360 view and zoom feature. Let us see the whole head to toe and zoom into certain features of our myplayer, for example, the shoes, the head etc. And last but not least, there definitely  needs to be an offline store option. Not everyone plays online or has access to the best internet. Some can only enjoy the game offline. Ever since 2k has introduced VC to the game, there has not been a way for players to equip gear if playing offline. This is terrible, especially once the game servers get shut down ( I lost everything in NBA 2k14-15). Players should always be able to equip clothing, sneakers, and accessories whether  they're online or NOT, period.

Created players/Myplayer creation
It’s time to have more control over how our players look.

Dyed tips or the option to change any part of the hair a different color like WWE 2k17.

Adjustable hair length on any style, designs for fades, 360 waves, hitops, dreads with fade option, curly hair with fade option, blow out afro with fade option etc. like 2k14 on PS4. More Mohawk options and preppy hairstyles for people that like straight hairstyles. Better man bun styles, for example one with the hair faded some call it an undercut, man buns should come in different styles, Afro style like cornrows with man bun, straight hair man bun, curly hair man bun etc. Slits in eyebrow option, piercings for mypark/blacktop mode. Check my video for inspiration 2k! 

Facial customization options
Able to adjust the eyes to however big or small, wide or slanted. Able to move the eyebrow bone higher or lower, more of an arch, or sad or happy look. The cheek bones and jaw bone structure should have more tweaking features as well. And of course something that is missing, customizable BODIES. Look at WWE 2k16 for reference (they messed up body customization in WWE 2k17). 

We can only make our players taller or shorter, change shoulder/arm/body length. If you use the normal, ripped etc. it looks EXACTLY the same. We should be able to play around with the body shape, really skinny, chunky, ripped, bulky, athletic and everything in between. Some people may want to make a Shaq build while other may be going a KD, Kawhi or Lebron look. For example WWE 2k16 if you go to the skinny side too much you will see bones or the athletic side you’ll see more abs and of course if you go too far to the bulky side you’ll get fat rolls. I already know we’ll be seeing some fat dudes dunking at the park if giving the option. That would be pretty funny though.

We should also be able to put tattoos on regular created players, and change any features while in modes like My league (once you start up myleague you can only change a players gear, not facial changes or hair changes, very annoying if you're like me and like to switch things up mid season).

Blacktop mode (SINGLE PLAYER)
Blacktop mode needs a HUGE facelift, and add back the option to turn fatigue off! Why remove that?! Modes like 24/7 and 21 only the Blacktop were extremely fun to play on old gen, why take that away? 
Why is the crowd so bland and boring? We need more courts, Night/day, sun/rain option (like 2k3)  I remember how fun past games used to be. I still spend a lot of time on blacktop. Blacktop mode is not nearly as fun as it used to be. We need the crowd to be HYPED and a hyped DJ announcer like on NBA 2k14 (PS3). It really hypes you when the DJ yells something out about what you just did or the crowed goes wild over an ankle breaker, dunk etc.
There should be a preferred position for 2v2 and 3v3, for some reason that option is only given for 4v4 and 5v5. Playing one position is great practice for going online to play mypark and other PVP(player verse player) modes, and it’s just fun.
We should be able to use custom created players like in previous titles. There should be NBA league option, Throwback teams, Myplayers, Celebrities (if they bring this feature back) and regular created player tab for Blacktop mode. WE SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABLE TO USE CUSTOM ROSTERS.
Street clothes option, all players are in random street clothes/accessories ( like NBA live 16) Shirts vs skins (shirtless) option.
Customizable game settings, for example, no fouls, no backcourt, no out of bounds, keep score option 5-50. Sometimes we just want a quick 7 point game, sometimes you want to play up to 50. Choose only 3’s count, or only dunks count, make it take it etc. Blacktop 

Summer circuit / Summer league 

I have been begging for this since Jan.2016!!! NBA 2k18 HAS to have a summer circuit like EA did for NBA live 16 (the best mode on that game by the way). We should be able to battle with the CPU in a streetball setting, either with other players or by ourselves (like NBA live 16). We can team up with people on our friends list, randoms or of course my favorite,  PLAY ALONE. NBA 2k summer leauge was actually a thing in last gen, it was pretty fun and something that we definitely need in NBA 2k18 


We need to be able to test jumpers at park and shoot around before and after a game, especially if a team is waiting for more than a couple minutes.
GOT NEXT, now this is something that I despise. I hate waiting for games to end or waiting for our game to start because no one wants to play us, especially when we’re on 10-15+ streak just waiting and waiting. We should have multiple options. If people want to stand around at the park cool, but at least give others the options for instant matchups like Pro Am, play now etc. There should be an option for squad travel to instant matchups. We should NEVER have to stand around the park waiting 10+ minutes to get into a game.
And the biggest issue, glitched courts. Its never a day I log on to park and NOT see a glitched court. Too many people close app or whatever they do and glitch the courts. Some courts fix in a few minutes while others sit glitched for over 20 minutes. I have seen this so many times while streaking. I'm always checking out other courts after a game, I always see a glitched court! 

Celebrations / button options
Loser animations, that would be funny.
Better button options, the directional buttons are the easiest way to do a celebration. Side note, we also need a special button for flashy dunks for example, tap up on the directional button when you drive and you will go for a flashy dunk. Too many times we get forced into flashy dunks at the wrong time. Not everyone uses analog for shooting, change the pull back L3 to celebrate after shot, directional button down would be so much better and convenient!  
PS4, the steal button should be changed from square to X. I can’t tell you how many times I have stolen the ball or teammates and didn’t realize it, clicked square and shoot from FULL COURT. It’s the same with the analog stick, for some reason even if you have your settings changed, every now and then the right analog stick will make you shoot. I can’t count how many accidental full court shots I have taken because of that. Change the analog pump fake/shoot, I have my shooting settings on buttons for a reason!

Mycareer / College mode
I am a huge fan of mycareer and have been let down these past two years. 2k14-15 (PS4) so far still remain champ for the best mycareer, minus a few teammate grade issues and bump TO's. We were able to create any type of player and truly create an NBA superstar. These career caps HAVE TO GO. I understand why caps are used for the park, (even though they don’t seem to matter.) I literally can do everything with my players regardless, minus dribble very well on the bigger guys. But like I said, I understand why these caps are put into place. But mycareer is not the place for caps! We should have the freedom to do whatever we want in mycareer.
 Maybe it’s time to split mycareer from park.

                                                                  BADGE TRACKER 

                                            (I made this for my old 2k17 wishlist),
WHY IS THIS STILL NOT IN THE GAME? If you are a badge grinder like me, then you know how frustrating it can be to not know how far you have left. THIS IS A MUST ADD FOR NBA 2k18!

Option to have shorter seasons. We should at least be able to play a 44 game season. 82 games is just TOO LONG for some people, (like me). And 5+ practices for ONE attribute is too many. That would only be fair if we could skip games WITHOUT skipping over off days. Even then it’s still TOO MANY.  3 practices, we should be able to upgrade a new stat. I hate that it’s even like this in the first place. But I’m sure this was added to keep people from getting to 99 quickly. Which really did nothing but make people (not me fk no!) spend hours and hours on the game fouling out until they got to 99. Mycareer is no fun when it feels more like a grind for badges and attributes. 
 2k16 My highest player (2k deleted him, my fav player!) was a 96 overall, I was done, that was enough for me. 2k17 my highest player is 95, and I'm good with that. 
99 overall means nothing in the game, especially with the terrible attribute caps. It’s basically a WASTE OF TIME.
We should be able to have the option to choose how long the playoffs are like My league, seven games are too many even when you sweep . I would personally choose 1, 1 and done! But that’s just me, best out of three seems fair though.  

Back to these caps I personally think that it’s crazy that players like Kevin Durant and Melo, Harden etc. have better ball handling than myplayers (BECAUSE OF THE CAPS) Just because you’re taller or shorter does not make you a better or worse shooter, ball handler etc. The Caps in NBA 2k17 are terrible.
I can understand they did it so that bigger players like SF etc. wouldn’t be so overpowered, but they really just ruined it. Now the most over powered offensive position is little 5’10- 6'2  sharp shooters, although it does seem like centers shoot better than most, I know my Stretch goes crazy.

September is still a few months away, 2k you still have time to give the community what we've been asking for!