Monday, June 5, 2017

NBA live 18 WISH LIST!

I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say, the entire basketball gaming community has been waiting for EA to drop a new game. We we’re pretty let down when 17 was canceled, especially with the upset of 2ks copy and paste 2k16 2.0. Now we’re finally starting to get a little more news on live 18 and things are looking up for the basketball gaming community. It feels good to be back in the mix of things after taking a long hiatus after 2k17’s let down. NBA live 18 is right around the corner and EA still has a little time to make sure they put out a solid game that the fans like myself have been waiting for. So let’s jump right into this wish list.

Create a player
NBA live 16 stepped it up from the fails of 14-15, but the game still fell short. The body types was a plus, but would be better if they actually add body sliders. We were not able to make custom players from scratch, they gave us default heads that we could NOT edit! WOW. Check out my latest video for a look back on how much creative control EA gave us on old gen. We should be able to make as many created players as we want and edit their facial features. And PLEASE for #$#%# sakes fix your app so all phones can download the face scanner. To this day, the app still doesn’t support Android 5.0.

 I’ve already made a video and wish list for NBA 2k18 so feel free to take the same inspiration from that, and read my last blog. I will add this though, we should be able to change the hairstyles to any color and option to have two tone styles. And we need better and more realistic facial hair options!

Career story

I’m not a huge soccer fan but Fifa 17 career story blew me away. I rented the game just for the story! Frostbite has to be in NBA Live 18 along with a great IN DEPTH storyline. We know EA has it in them to create some great stories, just look back at Fight Night Champion, one of the greatest sports games stories ever created. With their lackluster efforts in previous years, EA continues to miss out on a huge market for people who love to play career.  Now is the time!

Edit rosters
This is huge and it was a huge let down in 14-16 that we could not edit rosters, especially for people like me who love to create a dream team every year and add an op created player to the squad. This is a must have feature in ANY SPORTS GAME.

Black top mode & load into gym on start up
I don’t understand why EA took away loading into the gym on start up, it’s not only convenient for new players to get used to the layout of things, but it’s fun to shoot hoops and work on your dribbling before going to another game mode. And a Black top mode is a must have, like summer circuit (one of the greatest modes ever created, minus the op cpu.) It would be fun to challenge friends to a 1v1-3v3 or go against cpu 1v1. Keep summer circuit but have the option to play offline!

Hopefully EA actually takes the time out to listen to the community and give us what we’ve been asking for. I guess we’ll find out in a few months.